phrase origins etymology

principle - Online Etymology Dictionary.
phrase origins etymology
shark (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary.Etymology - English Word Histories - Stories of Words - Definition of.
noun derivation, word history, development of words, history of words, origin of words The etymology of the word 'neon' is the Greek for 'new'. Translations.

Dog - Online Etymology Dictionary.
The Online Etymology Dictionary. of unknown origin. Earliest French use of the word is as the name of a people apparently in southern Gaul, which led to the.
alchemy - Online Etymology Dictionary.
Fuck - Online Etymology Dictionary.
noun derivation, word history, development of words, history of words, origin of words The etymology of the word 'neon' is the Greek for 'new'. Translations.

The Online Etymology Dictionary. with husking frolics; e.g. "to strip (off) one's clothes" (1848) and "to deceive, swindle, cheat, fool" (1959); phrase shucking and jiving "fooling. "husk, pod, shell," 1670s, American English, of unknown origin.
The Online Etymology Dictionary. c.1300, puken "to poke, nudge," of uncertain origin, perhaps from or related to Middle Dutch poken "to poke". Later (1708) the word is used in the sense "pokeweed," as a shortened form of puccoon, from.
May 8, 2011. Word origin is very important. Knowing the etymology of a word provides enhanced perspective about its most effective use. You understand its.
Feb 1, 2013. The Origins of 'Big Data': An Etymological Detective Story. By STEVE LOHR. Lloyd Miller for The New York Times. Words and phrases are.